
Moore No. 1-1/2 Precision Jig Borer Boring Machine #6005

BORING MILLS, VERT. (Including Vert. Turret Lathes)
Stock #:
Moore No. 1-1/2 Precision Jig Borer Boring Machine #6005, used, features close tolerance ways, variable speed spindle 120-2400 RPM, protected chrome dials, and precise vernier dials. Table travel: longitudinal 14", crosswise 9". Power: 220/440V, 60 cycle, 3 phase.

Used Moore No. 1-1/2 Precision Jig Borer

Serial # J358

The 1-1/2 features close tolerance ways and slides.

Variable speed spindle 120 to 2400 RPM

Vee and flat ways, no gibs, longer life.

No overhang of table or slide.

Two feeds 0.001 or 0.003 inches per revolution.

Single lever front and back table clamps, non influencing.

More accessible cross clamps, all non-influencing.

Protected chrome plated dials and reference scales.

Micro-setting of vernier dials.

1-3/8 inch diameter Nitroloy lead screws.

220/440 volt 60 cycle 3 phase power.

Table Travel Longitudinal 14 Inches

Table Travel Crosswise 9 Inches

Table Top to spindle end 3 to 16 inches.

Vertical adjustment of quill housing 9 inches.

Spindle quill travel 3-7/8 inches.
